Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ignorance VS Stupidity

Today, I was browsing facebook while I was having my daily bowl of Cap'n Crunch (The kind without the berries. The delicious kind.) and my morning coffee. Its the one time of day I can just relax in the brief moment of chaos that we call college. While scrolling through, I stumbled across this video:


With this written in the details:

{SHOCK VIDEO: Two kids are found dead in a burning house. Their aunt shrugs it off and says that she hopes her purse with food stamps is okay.

This is Obama's America.

This is sickening and sad all at the same time.

Please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE this video.

An Emergency Communication to All American Patriots
Watch This Video Right Away Or You’ll Hate Yourself Later On}

Take a minute and go watch it. Seriously.

Now answer me 2 questions:
1. What the heck is wrong with this lady? She's psycho.
2. What does this woman have to do with Obama???

That's like blaming Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush for Ted Bundy. Seriously. That's just freaking stupid. There are twisted people in the world. Sick, twisted, horrible people. Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Casey Anthony, and the list goes on and on. But seriously. If you're going to blame someone for the stupidity of a person... at least make an accusation that makes sense. When you take a video of a stupid woman like that, and blame Obama (or anyone else for that matter! Blame Oprah, Donald Trump, Goat cheese!) for her stupidity and I just realize how ignorant (or stupid) you are.

Of course, I'm not trying to jump into politics here. This has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with stupidity and ignorance, both of which are plaguing our country. It's not just affecting our youth, though. It's contagious and has wormed its way into the minds of all ages. It's a sickness.

I can look past ignorance for the most part, because it's a lack of information. Ignorance can be helped, overcome, or whatever you want to do to fix it. Stupidity, however, is inexcusable. For stupidity, you see, is a choice to be ignorant.

This is harsh, I know. But here's how you can tell the difference between someone who is ignorant or just stupid:
So next time you're about to get worked up about an argument you're having with someone else, ask yourself these questions: "Is this person ignorant? Stupid? Will my response make me sound ignorant? Stupid?" If your answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you need to just calm down and walk away, because odds are... it's just not worth the argument. However, if your answer to all of the above is a resounding "no" then you better argue the hell out of it. Win that argument.

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