Sunday, January 19, 2014

Vanity Post (Part 2)

So, this is a continuation of my vanity post from the beginning of the week :)

31. I HATE the sounds people make when they eat. Ie: Crunching chips or ice, smacking, slurping, etc. It drives me absolutely batty.

32. I love Jennifer Lawrence :)

33. I love the colors lime green and purple, but I love wearing white.

34. My best ideas come when I am driving and when I am showering. I try to do both as often as possible!

35. I love to work. It keeps me busy and it makes me feel like I am making my own.

36. I love smelling good, and I love people who smell good :))

37. I always smell like strawberries and pomegranates :)

38. Feet give me the heeby jeebies.

39. I am a sucker for people who speak spanish.

40. I want a tattoo, but I am terrified of making a decision so permanent.

41. I want a german shephard <3 :D

42. My favorite flower is the Oriental Lily. Its scientific name is the lilium orientalis, and it is also known as the stargazer lily <3

43. I love to play Apples to apples :D

44. I have this dream roomin my head... It involves a cherry mahogony room with a chandelier and a black grand piano :)

45. I cant wait to live on my own, because my apartment will be so cute :)

46. I have the BIGGEST crush on Marcus Butler, the british youtuber! He is gorgeous AND funny :) And he has a lovely accent.

47. My favorite pizza is a stuffed crust with hamburger, sausage, pepperoni, peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms, tomatos, and pineapple. I know it sounds gross... but I love it...

48. X and Y are my favorite letters.

49. I have a plant named Sheldon :D He is named after my favorite character on the Big Bang theory. i have had him for 3 years.

50. I love using natural lighting.

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